Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hempseed Curry and Dandelions and Aloe and Lambsquarters


First comment: hemp does not get You high! And it is just delicious. We make the seed into hemp butter, and it's this interesting green color.

Rhubarb chard*
Golden chard*
Sprouts, light ones, alfalfa etc.
Hemp butter, homemade
Curry powder*, Frontier


This morning, bringing out the yard trimmings, I inspected the dandelions up close, and look at those magenta stems. Think they've got betalains? I do! Computer research time.


And thank You to Stephanie, who is a fountain of useful information, on Jean Genet's autism list for pointing out that aloe is anti-inflammatory. Interestingly Sarah's been asking for it, so today I'm adding a shot of cactus juice and some aloe to her water.


Our favorite wild green any way. Look at all those beautiful baby plants!


  1. Hi Sun-Rose, I am enjoying your blog, the beautiful food photos and reading about all these good things for the body. I also enjoy your commentary about other things too.

    If you click on my name you will see my blogs. They are just kind of a record of my walks, my grandkids, the birds and animals I see along the way of life and some of my sketches.

    I've been at blogging for several years and sometimes get a little lazy and don't update for awhile.

    Sure glad to have your blog to visit now. It's so nice to reconnect after ...gosh is it more than 10 years...

  2. It is that long Sandy. And I've missed You and Laura at The Gathering Place. I'm so happy You're back!

    Your blog is just beautiful. Maybe You can teach me how to lay this out so harmoniously. And I need help getting myself off the list of followers here. I thought I was clicking on your blog when joining (windows 7 mouse makes things skitter all over the place), and now I can't find anyway to remove it!

    Even so, I am enjoying sharing with this blog.

